To us, a table serves as a beautiful metaphor of all of these values.
Authentic Community is about relationships. Time spent around a table, sipping coffee, telling stories, laughing, crying, sharing a meal...these are times of community. We want The Table to be such a community for ourselves, and for you. The Table is a place where you can know and be known, love and be loved.
Worship & Beauty is about contribution. As we gather around a table, we quickly discover each of our own unique stories and struggles and how these elements have molded and shaped us into the person we are today. We believe this to be true because the Bible tells us we are all image-bearers of God and that God has designed each of us to uniquely reflect Him. When each individual is living out their part of God's story in their unique way -- that is an act of worship, and it is beautiful. Therefore, it is our desire at The Table to see every person discover their own unique and individual God-given design and destiny as they learn to share it with us, the city, and ultimately, the world.
Truth & Meaning is about finding life. Day after day, we come to a table to get sustenance. We need strength, nourishment, and encouragement in order to thrive in this broken world. Just as we come to a physical table for physical life, we believe we all must come to a spiritual table to receive spiritual life. We want The Table to be just such a place, a place that gives life. The Table is a place where you can come to in order to find insight and companionship for your journey.
A Missional Journey is simply about reality. We aren’t meant to live out our days at a table, constantly eating and eating. In the same way, God certainly didn't design us to live out our lives in the church. He's called us to bring His message and His love to all peoples in all nations. We want The Table to be a place that equips and enables you to carry out the work of Christ in our world.
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