Each week we aspire to bless others in our Christian community and local neighbourhood in word, action or gift at least three times.
L. We listen
Each week we aspire to listen to God, looking for him to guide us through his word and Spirit. And we listen to people around us to understand their stories and the story of our culture.
E. We eat
Each week we aspire to eat or have a drink with people outside our immediate family at least three times, offering friendship and community.
S. We speak
Each week we aspire to tell people the story of Jesus and our story of Jesus, making Jesus a normal part of our conversations. And we speak to God through prayer, recognising our dependence on him in all things.
S. We sabbath
Each week we aspire to spend time in rest, praise, play, partying and creativity.
You’ll notice that together they spell the word ‘BLESS’.Every month our three congregations gather together for what we call ‘Re:union’ and at the moment we are working through the rhythms. Each congregation has a rhythm ‘champion’ for the month who encourages people to think about and practice the rhythm we are looking at that month. The ‘champions’ then organise Re:union around the rhythm as a celebration of what we are doing. I produced a sheet for each rhythm to help the ‘champions’ shape the culture around that rhythm. I’ll be posting these over the coming day.
(With thanks to Mark Berry of Way Out West for pointing me to Tim Chester's blog)
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