Sunday, 15 February 2009

Music For Valentine's Day

The church held a special concert last night as part of the ongoing celebrations of our 30th Anniversary. Lotti Newstead and John Marsh gave a wonderful show, performing some of the great love songs of all time. A wonderful team of people came together in an ad hoc way to cook, decorate and wash up. They provided a tremendous meal of Somerset pork and three different desserts. Several people remarked that this was one of the best evenings they can ever remember the church producing.

Having said all of that - it was the meal that changed the dynamic. Instead of having everyone sat in rows watching a concert, the people sat in convivial groups around tables. The music and food were woven around the evening and complimented each other. The atmosphere greatly enhanced by the sense of family which was engendered by eating together. Indeed there was as loud a round of applause for the cook as for the musicians.

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