After the main course we played 'Characters' from the Family Fun set produced by Talking Tables. I had bought these at our bring and buy over the weekend. They will no doubt prove quite useful at our TC gatherings.
As this was the last meeting prior to the MA presentation day I decided to seek some feedback on our experiment. The feedback was surprisingly positive and so I have recorded the responses given below.
Alex: TC stimulates discussion better that sitting in a room having a meeting. Being close around a table makes me feel more of a group.
Jon: In these gatherings everyone talks and i much prefer it to the old style meetings.
Michaela: I talk a lot more and am more engaged than before. I used to just switch off or go to sleep.
Natalie: It's very relaxing, and has taught me quite a lot about the Bible. It has opened up things for me. I am learning in a way that's not making me want to run away.
Gilly: Having a meal together makes the evening completely not like a meeting. We can talk and be relaxed when thinking about ideas and even begin to play with the ideas.
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